#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -n 1 #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH -o dreme-%A.out #SBATCH -e dreme-%A.err #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=8G #SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL ml meme/5.0.4 # A wrapper for running DREME-py3. if [ "$#" -ne 6 ] then echo "Usage: dreme.sh positives.fasta negatives.fasta outDir/ mink maxk motifDatabase.meme" echo "\tmink is the minimum motif size to search for and maxk is the maximum motif size to search for." exit 1 fi positives=$1 negatives=$2 outdir=$3 mink=$4 maxk=$5 database=$6 dreme-py3 -oc "${outdir}" -p "${positives}" -n "${negatives}" -dna -eps -mink "${mink}" -maxk "${maxk}" -e 0.05 cd "${outdir}" sh ~/CRX-Genomic-Analysis/utils/tomtom.sh dreme.html "${database}" .