import Path from 'path';

import merge from 'lodash/merge';
import mergeWith from 'lodash/mergeWith';
import pick from 'lodash/pick';
import union from 'lodash/union';
import resolveFrom from 'resolve-from';

import executeRule from '@commitlint/execute-rule';
import resolveExtends from '@commitlint/resolve-extends';
import {
} from '@commitlint/types';

import loadPlugin from './utils/load-plugin';
import {loadConfig} from './utils/load-config';
import {loadParserOpts} from './utils/load-parser-opts';
import {pickConfig} from './utils/pick-config';

const w = <T>(_: unknown, b: ArrayLike<T> | null | undefined | false) =>
	Array.isArray(b) ? b : undefined;

export default async function load(
	seed: UserConfig = {},
	options: LoadOptions = {}
): Promise<QualifiedConfig> {
	const cwd = typeof options.cwd === 'undefined' ? process.cwd() : options.cwd;
	const loaded = await loadConfig(cwd, options.file);
	const base = loaded && loaded.filepath ? Path.dirname(loaded.filepath) : cwd;

	// TODO: validate loaded.config against UserConfig type
	// Might amount to breaking changes, defer until 9.0.0

	// Merge passed config with file based options
	const config = pickConfig(merge({}, loaded ? loaded.config : null, seed));

	const opts = merge(
		{extends: [], rules: {}, formatter: '@commitlint/format'},
		pick(config, 'extends', 'plugins', 'ignores', 'defaultIgnores')

	// Resolve parserPreset key
	if (typeof config.parserPreset === 'string') {
		const resolvedParserPreset = resolveFrom(base, config.parserPreset);

		config.parserPreset = {
			name: config.parserPreset,
			path: resolvedParserPreset,
			parserOpts: require(resolvedParserPreset),

	// Resolve extends key
	const extended = resolveExtends(opts, {
		prefix: 'commitlint-config',
		cwd: base,
		parserPreset: config.parserPreset,

	const preset = (pickConfig(
		mergeWith(extended, config, w)
	) as unknown) as UserPreset;
	preset.plugins = {};

	// TODO: check if this is still necessary with the new factory based conventional changelog parsers
	// config.extends = Array.isArray(config.extends) ? config.extends : [];

	// Resolve parser-opts from preset
	if (typeof preset.parserPreset === 'object') {
		preset.parserPreset.parserOpts = await loadParserOpts(,
			// TODO: fix the types for factory based conventional changelog parsers
			preset.parserPreset as any

	// Resolve config-relative formatter module
	if (typeof config.formatter === 'string') {
		preset.formatter =
			resolveFrom.silent(base, config.formatter) || config.formatter;

	// Read plugins from extends
	if (Array.isArray(extended.plugins)) {
		config.plugins = union(config.plugins, extended.plugins || []);

	// resolve plugins
	if (Array.isArray(config.plugins)) {
		config.plugins.forEach((plugin) => {
			if (typeof plugin === 'string') {
				loadPlugin(preset.plugins, plugin, process.env.DEBUG === 'true');
			} else {
				preset.plugins.local = plugin;

	const rules = preset.rules ? preset.rules : {};
	const qualifiedRules = (
		await Promise.all(
			Object.entries(rules || {}).map((entry) => executeRule<any>(entry))
	).reduce<QualifiedRules>((registry, item) => {
		const [key, value] = item as any;
		(registry as any)[key] = value;
		return registry;
	}, {});

	const helpUrl =
		typeof config.helpUrl === 'string'
			? config.helpUrl
			: '';

	return {
		extends: preset.extends!,
		formatter: preset.formatter!,
		parserPreset: preset.parserPreset! as ParserPreset,
		ignores: preset.ignores!,
		defaultIgnores: preset.defaultIgnores!,
		plugins: preset.plugins!,
		rules: qualifiedRules,